2024 #1

Kinematical Instability in rather Massive Disks

陳惠茹 Huei-Ru Chen (NTHU)

ALMA, Radio Astronomy, Massive Star Formation

Protoplanetary disks are hosts of young planets and their physical conditions affect the production and configuration of planets.  Yet only in the last five years can we start observing the structures of these disks and learn their kinematics and instabilities.  To date, ALMA has observed many disks around protostars of various spectral types.  In particular, HD163296 is at the higher-mass end of planet hosts and may provide critical boundary conditions. It is also a fairly well studied source that has many important parameters in place for advanced studies.  This project is aimed at first examining the known facts from previous studies as an exercise and then extending similar techniques and analyses to available data in our ALMA surveys. This project will use the released ALMA Science Verification data in Band 4, 6, and 7, depending on student’s preference.  Depending on the progress, the student will have chances to reduce the ALMA data in our latest projects on massive star formation, particularly long-baseline data.

※Required Background:
Unix/Linux experience, Programming Languages such as Shell and Python Scripting, or C/C++.
Fundamental knowledge of college physics and calculus.