2024 #11

Probing Magnetic Fields in the Circumgalactic Medium

藍鼎文 Ting-Wen Lan (NTU)

Galaxy Evolution, Circumgalactic Medium, Multiwavelength Observations

※Task Description and Goals:
Recent galaxy simulations have shown that magnetic fields play a crucial role in shaping the properties of gas around galaxies, the circumgalactic medium (CGM). However, detecting magnetic fields in the CGM has been very challenging due to their weak observational signals. This project aims to overcome this challenge by utilizing the statistical power applied to big datasets. We will combine two large datasets from two sky surveys: (1) the LOFAR radio survey and (2) the DESI Legacy Surveys and use a novel statistical method to extract the magnetic field signals from these large datasets. The success of this program will allow us to obtain the most precise measurements of the strengths of magnetic fields in the CGM, providing stringent constraints on the models of galaxy evolution.

In this project, the student will (1) work on big astronomical datasets, including the state-of-the-art optical and radio datasets, (2) develop statistical techniques and possible machine learning methods, and (3) learn the astrophysics of galaxy evolution and statistics.

※Required Background:
1. Basic/advanced knowledge in astrophysics is preferred, but not mandatory.
2. Basic knowledge and skills of computer programming (such as Python) would be desirable.
3. Passion for astrophysical research, Independent thinking, and hard working.