2024 #12

A Highly Collimated Protostellar Jet from a Young Protostar

李景輝 Chin-Fei Lee (ASIAA)

ALMA, Protostellar Jets, Radio Astronomy, Star Formation

Stars are the building blocks of our Galaxy and thus their formation has direct influences on the evolution of our Galaxy. Moreover, the formation of low-mass stars like our Sun and their planets has direct implications on the formation of our Solar System and the origin of life. Although low-mass star formation is of fundamental importance, the detailed process is still not yet fully understood.

HH 212 is a highly collimated protostellar jet powered by an accretion disk around a young protostar (baby star) in Orion (https://alma-telescope.jp/en/news/space_hamburger-201707). It is believed to be launched by magneto-centrifugal force from the disk and collimated by toroidal fields in the jet. We have observed it with ALMA in CO J=3-2 and J=6-5 as well as SiO J=8-7 and J=16-15 transition lines. Here ALMA is the largest ground-based radio interferometer ever built (https://alma-telescope.jp/en/). In this project, we will first map the jet in these lines and then use the lines to derive the physical condition (such as density and temperature) in the jet, and then the mass-loss rate and the abundance of the SiO. Based on the results to be derived, we aim to determine the physical condition in the disk where the jet is launched.

※Required Background:
Unix/Linux experience, Programming Languages such as Python Scripting, Fortran 90, or C/C++.
Fundamental knowledge of physics.