2024 #4

Star Cluster Oddities: Old but Rich Stellar Systems in the Galactic Disk

陳文屏 Wen-Ping Chen (NCU)

Star Cluster, Galactic Structure, Stellar Evolution, Stellar Dynamics

※Task Description and Goals:
Stars form in groups out of dense molecular cloud cores. The group then continues to experience disruption by internal gravitational dynamics among members, and by external tidal disturbances. It is believed that only a small fraction of the embedded stellar groups survived to become the star clusters we witness today. Unlike globular clusters which are in isolation as self-gravitating systems, a typical open cluster continues to suffer disintegration, thereby dispersing with age. Aged open clusters yet still rich in members hence are oddities and deserve scrutiny of their longevity. The summer student will join this ongoing project to diagnose the stellar members of old, populous open star clusters.

※Required Background:
1. Basic knowledge of astronomy/astrophysics
2. Basic coding skills (such as Python)
3. Interest in research