
Jen-Hung Wang 汪仁鴻 (ASIAA)

"Probing the solar system with stellar occultation"

時間/地點: 2015-12-18 14:00 [S4-1013]


The physical properties of the solar system small bodies (asteroids, satellites, Trojans, Centaurs, Dwarf Planets, and TNOs) can be probed with predicted occultation (events we predict when and where they will happen). Predicted occultations have been successfully used for discovering the rings, measuring the size and probing the atmosphere of the solar system objects. Some selected Centaurs/TNOs have been identified with long-arc and bright enough for TAOS II for long-term monitoring. Stars from PanSTARRS images/catalogs that are within one arc-sec of the sky path for those objects will be compiled into catalogs of candidate stars. Observations for those objects available from both MPC and PanSTARRS will be used to update their ephemerides and the initial predictions between 2016 to 2020 will be made. New observations from TAOS II will be used for last-minute astrometry and final predictions.

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