
Recent Research + more

  • The team led by Prof. Pan investigated the relation between SN Ia ejecta velocity and their host-galaxy environment, and found that there could exist a relationship between the two parameters. This study focused on the local environmental properties of SNe Ia and revealed possible trend that high-velocity SNe Ia tend to be associated with old stellar populations, while normal-velocity SNe Ia can be found in both old and young stellar populations. This result implies that the normal SNe Ia are likely produced by more than one channel, challenging the previous consensus that they are associated with a single and uniform population. This work has been published in Lin & Pan et al., 2024, MNRAS, 531, 1988

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  • Virgo III is a newly discovered ultra-faint dwarf (UFD) galaxy. We used the Lulin One-meter Telescope (LOT) to search for RR Lyrae associated with this UFD.With deep exposures of LOT that can reach to r~23 mag, we discovered three RR Lyrae, labeled as V1, V2, and V3 in this deep LOT images. Using the discovered RR Lyrae, we measured a distance of 154 kpc to Virgo III.

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  • An international team led by Prof. Pan studied the data obtained from Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey (PS1-MDS) and found the type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) could evolve with time. As one of the most mature cosmological probes, SNe Ia have homogeneous properties, and they were expected to be consistent and similar during the evolution of our Universe. However, this work suggests that SNe Ia are likely to have at least two different populations, as separated by their ejecta velocities. The fractions between different populations tend to evolve with time. This result could impact the precision of SNe Ia in probing the cosmic expansion and dark energy. This work has been published in Pan et al., 2024, MNRAS, 532, 1887 .

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Honor+ more

  • 恭賀 本所鹿林天文台林宏欽台長,榮獲中央大學114年績優職員 (2025-01-21)
  • 恭賀 本所碩士班同學戴辰宇, 李孟翰及本所陳文屏教授指導本校物理系同學吳家璇榮獲2025年物理年會壁報佳作獎 (2025-01-16)
  • 恭賀 本所陳婷琬助理教授榮獲114年新聘教研人員獎勵 (2024-12-30)
  • 恭喜 本所饒兆聰教授榮獲本校114年度研究傑出獎 (2024-12-18)
  • 恭賀 本所碩士班戴辰宇同學獲得 113學年度第1學期國立中央大學優秀學生獎學金 (2024-11-14)
  • 恭賀本所教師榮獲113年論文貢獻獎及產學貢獻獎
    113年產學貢獻獎:陳文屏老師、葉永烜老師 (2024-11-07)

Academic Event

  • No Meeting & Workshop


  • Date: 2025-02-21
  • Time: 14:00
  • Location: S4-1013
  • Speaker: Dr. Zhong-Yi Lin
  • Title: Cometary Outbursts

Journal Club

  • 近期無期刊導讀
  • Visiting Scholar + more

    • Prof. Haoyu Lu (2025-02-13~2025-02-20)