
Dr. Nai-Hwa Chen 陳乃華 (KASI, Postdoc)

"Sun as a star: advance to the exoplanetary space weather"

時間/地點: 2018-03-16 14:00 [S4-1013]


Flare, coronal mass ejection (CME) and wind are the signatures of the solar magnetic activities. The surface magnetism is the major driver of the coronal heating and to power these strong eruptions. With new advances observations of solar and stellar flare recently, the new perspective has been opened for disclosing their various fundamental physical processes of energy storage and release, particle acceleration and the radiation mechanism. Analogous phenomena are also thought to exist in other exo-solar systems but very different in scale. In this talk, I will share some progresses made by solar community recently which are crucial to bridge our current knowledge between stellar and solar flares.
