2023 Collaborative Seminar between Taiwan and UNAM

Join the Meeting via ZOOM: https://cuaieed-unam.zoom.us/j/85425722051
Meeting ID: 854 2572 2051

Roberto Galván-Madrid (IRyA-UNAM)


October 25, 2023 (Taiwan) | October 24, 2023 (Mexico)


08:00 - 09:00 (GMT+8, Taiwan) | 18:00 - 19:00 (GMT-6, Mexico)


Resolved Observations and Modelling of the Formation of Massive Stars in Clusters


During the past decade, radio interferometric observations have reshaped our view of the formation of massive stars in clusters. However, very often the interpretation is limited by the complexity of observations. First, I will present recent projects to quantify the population of star-forming cores and young massive stars in cluster forming clouds, mainly the ALMA-IMF Large Program and a complementary project in the W49 cloud. I will highlight some of the first scientific results of these programs, and describe the public data releases. For the interpretation of the continuum images, the separation of dust and free-free emission is very important, and I will discuss a few methods to achieve this. Then I will switch to another, yet related project, that consists in modelling the kinematics of the ionized gas in the ultra-compact HII region produced by a system of massive stars with a total mass of up to 200 solar masses. Our fitted synthetic observations confirm that the ionized gas in the inner r~1500 au is gravitationally bound, and that their motions are a combination of rotation and external radial motions. Finally, I will outline our initial efforts to use these tools to contribute to the science case of the Next Generation Very Large Array in the topic of massive star formation.