
Dr. Fernando Olguin (NTHU)

"Resolving the inner 1000 au of high-mass cores with ALMA"

時間/地點: 2023-03-17 14:00 [S4-1013]


High-mass stars are important for the ISM and galactic evolution, yet their formation is not well understood. Non spherical gravitational collapse through disks and high accretion rates are main ingredients for the formation of high-mass stars to overcome the radiation pressure/ionization. As suggested by simulations, these disks develop instabilities allowing bursts of accretion by funneling gas through streamers. In addition, streamers can become unstable allowing the formation of stellar companions. Recent high-resolution observations with ALMA have started to show spiral-like substructures associated with accretion streamers within high-mass protostellar cores. As part of the Digging into the Interior of Hot Cores with ALMA (DIHCA) we have observed 30 high-mass star-forming regions at 100 au scales. In this presentation, we will show our study on substructures detected at these scales. In particular, we have studied the high-mass cores G335.579-0.272 and G336.01–0.82. Their observations reveal the presence of streamers, one associated to a proto-binary/triple system while the other clearly feeding a single high-mass star. These streamers present similar characteristics to those that appear in simulations, and are thus good candidates to study infall during the formation of high-mass stars.
