
Hsi-Wei Yen (ASIAA)

"Influence of Magnetic Fields on Disk Formation and Evolution around Protostars"

時間/地點: 2023-11-10 14:00 [S4-1013]


Protoplanetary disks are sites of planet formation, and their properties are closely related to the planet formation process. However, the physical mechanisms governing the formation and evolution of these disks around protostars remain unclear. In this talk, I will introduce our studies conducted over the past few years focusing on the influence of magnetic fields on disk formation and evolution. Specifically, I will discuss the impacts of magnetic field orientation and coupling between the magnetic field and matter on disk properties, drawing from our observational results, including our latest results from the ALMA large program "eDisk". Through our investigations, we have observed that while the orientation of the magnetic field can influence angular momentum transportation within protostellar sources, it is unlikely to be the dominant factor governing disk formation. Conversely, we have found that the coupling between the magnetic field and matter may significantly influence the formation of sizable disks.
