
Dr. Amar Aryan 艾利安 (NCUIA)

"Diverse Nature of Core-collapse Supernovae"

時間/地點: 2024-04-26 14:00 [S4-1013]


Core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) are catastrophic astrophysical phenomena that occur during the last evolutionary stages of massive stars having initial masses of around 8 M_sun or more. These calamitous events play a pivotal role in enriching our Universe with heavy elements and are also responsible for the birth of Neutron stars and stellar mass Black holes. Knowledge of the possible progenitors of CCSNe is fundamental to understanding these transient events. Additionally, the underlying circumstellar environment around possible progenitors and the physical mechanism powering the light curves of these catastrophic CCSN events also require careful investigations to unveil their nature. In the talk, I shall provide a broad overview of the CCSN mechanism, the possible progenitors, ambient media around the progenitors, and powering mechanisms behind the light curve of CCSNe.
