
賴彥霖博士 博士後研究員



1. Tseng, Wei-Ling; Lai, Ian-Lin; Ip, Wing-Huen; Hsu, Hsiang-Wen; Wu, Jong-Shinn, The 3D Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Study of Europa's Gas Plume , Universe, vol. 8, issue 5, p. 261 (2022/04)

2. Lai, I. -L.; Ip, W. -H.; Lee, J. -C.; Lin, Z. -Y. et. al., Seasonal variations in source regions of the dust jets on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 630, id.A17, 10 pp. (2019/10)

3. Liao, Y.; Marschall, R.; Su, C. C.; Wu, J. S.; Lai, I. L.; Pinzon, O.; Thomas, N., Water vapor deposition from the inner gas coma onto the nucleus of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Planetary and Space Science, Volume 157, p. 1-9. (2018/08)

4. Lin, Zhong-Yi; Knollenberg, J.; Vincent, J.-B.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Ip, W.-H.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H. U.; Mottola, S.; Bodewits, D.; Agarwal, J.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Bertini, I.; Cremonese, G.; Deller, J.; Da Deppo, V.; Davidsson, B.; Debei, S.; De Cecco, M.; Fornasier, S.; Fulle, M.; Groussin, O.; Gutiérrez, P. J.; Güttler, C.; Hofmann, M.; Hviid, S. F.; Jorda, L.; Kovacs, G.; Kramm, J.-R.; Kührt, E.; Küppers, M.; Lai, I.-L.; Lara, L. M.; Lazzarin, M.; Lee, J.-C.; López-Moreno, J. J.; Marzari, F.; Naletto, G.; Oklay, N.; Ott, T.; Drolshagen, E.; Shi, X.; Thomas, N.; Tubiana, C., Investigating the physical properties of outbursts on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.S731-S740 (2017/07)

5. Marschall, R.; Mottola, S.; Su, C. C.; et al. ( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen and Lai, I. L.), Cliffs versus plains: Can ROSINA/COPS and OSIRIS data of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in autumn 2014 constrain inhomogeneous outgassing? , Planetary and Space Science, Volume 143, p. 256-264.(2017)

6. Lai, Ian-Lin, Ip, Wing-Huen; Cheng-Chin Su et al (including Lin,Zhong-Yi) , Gas outflow and dust transport of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462, S533-S546 (2017)

7. Lee, Jui-Chi; Massironi, Matteo; Ip, Wing-Huen; Giacomini, Lorenza; Ferrari, Sabrina; Penasa, Luca; El-Maarry, Mohamed Ramy; Pajola, Maurizio; Lai, Ian-Lin; Lin, Zhong-Yi; Ferri, Francesca; Sierks, Holger; Barbieri, Cesare; Lamy, Philippe; Rodrigo, Rafael; Koschny, Detlef; Rickman, Hans; Keller, Horst Uwe; Agarwal, Jessica; A'Hearn, Michael F.; Barucci, Maria Antonella; Bertaux, Jean-Loup; Bertini, Ivano; Cremonese, Gabriele; Da Deppo, Vania; Davidsson, Björn; Debei, Stefano; De Cecco, Mariolino; Deller, Jakob; Fornasier, Sonia; Fulle, Marco; Groussin, Olivier; Gutiérrez, Pedro J.; Güttler, Carsten; Hofmann, Marc; Hviid, Stubbe F.; Jorda, Laurent; Knollenberg, Jörg; Kovacs, Gabor; Kramm, J.-Rainer; Kührt, Ekkehard; Küppers, Michael; Lara, Luisa M.; Lazzarin, Monica; Marzari, Francesco; Lopez Moreno, Josè J.; Naletto, Giampiero; Oklay, Nilda; Shi, Xian; Thomas, Nicolas; Tubiana, Cecilia; Vincent, Jean-Baptiste, Geomorphological mapping of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's Southern hemisphere , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 462, Issue Suppl_1, p.S573-S592 (2016/11)

8. Marschall, R.; Su, C. C.; Liao, Y.; Thomas, N.; Altwegg, K.; Sierks, H.; Ip, W. -H.; Keller, H. U.; Knollenberg, J.; Kührt, E.; Lai, I. L.; Rubin, M.; Skorov, Y.; Wu, J. S.; Jorda, L.; Preusker, F.; Scholten, F.; Gracia-Berná, A.; Gicquel, A.; Naletto, G.; Shi, X.; Vincent, J. -B., Modelling observations of the inner gas and dust coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko using ROSINA/COPS and OSIRIS data: First results , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 589, id.A90, 17 pp. (2016/05)

9. Liao, Y.; Su, C. C.; Marschall, R.; Wu, J. S.; Rubin, M.; Lai, I. L.; Ip, W. H.; Keller, H. U.; Knollenberg, J.; Kührt, E.; Skorov, Y. V.; Thomas, N., 3D Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Modelling of the Inner Gas Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: A Parameter Study , Earth, Moon, and Planets, Volume 117, Issue 1, pp.41-64 (2016/03)

10. Lai, Ian-Lin; Su, Cheng-Chin; Ip, Wing-Huen; Wei, Chen-En; Wu, Jong-Shinn; Lo, Ming-Chung; Liao, Ying; Thomas, Nicolas, Transport and Distribution of Hydroxyl Radicals and Oxygen Atoms from H2O Photodissociation in the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Earth, Moon, and Planets, Volume 117, Issue 1, pp.23-39 (2016/03)

11. Ip, Wing-Huen; Lai, I.-L.; J.-C. Lee et al (including Lin,Zhong-Yi) , Physical properties and dynamical relation of the circular depressions on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 591. A132 (2016)

12. Lin, Z.-Y., Lai, I.-L., Su, C.-C., et al. ( Including: Ip, Wing-Huen ), Observations and analysis of a curved jet in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 588, id.L3, 5 pp.

13. Thomas, N.; Davidsson, B.; El-Maarry, M. R.;et al.(Included:Ip, Wing-Huen and Lai, I.-L. ), Redistribution of particles across the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimenko , Astronomy & Astrophysics,, Volume 583, id.A17, 18 pp.(2015).

14. Lin, Z.-Y.; Ip, W.-H.; Lai, I.-L., et al., Morphology and dynamics of the jets of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Early-phase development , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 583, id.A11, 10 pp.