
Dr. Sujin Eie (ASIAA)

"A Multi-Frequency View of the Radio Magnetar XTE J1810-197"

時間/地點: 2023-12-08 14:00 [S4-1013]


Magnetars, identified by intense bursts in X-ray or gamma-ray bands, are young neutron stars possessing extremely strong magnetic fields. Unlike ordinary pulsars, only a few magnetars have displayed detectable radio pulsations. Despite a limited understanding of their radio emission mechanism and behavior, radio magnetars play an important role in unraveling mysteries about young pulsars, pulsar magnetospheres, and fast radio bursts (FRBs). Long-term observations at a wide radio-frequency range would provide a better understanding of magnetars in time and frequency domains. In this talk, I will present the variability of a radio-loud magnetar XTE J1810-197, drawing from our multi-frequency observations. The variations in profiles, intensity, and spectrum support the magnetars's dynamic emission behavior. Our findings also suggest that XTE J1810-197 exhibits a non-flat radio spectrum. Additionally, I will introduce the new telescope currently under construction, which will provide large samples of the nearby FRBs and contribute to the study of relationships between radio pulsars and FRBs.
