PhD qualifying exam




Stellar Astrophysics
  • "An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics" Part II, Chapters 7-17 by Carroll and Ostile
  • "Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics", Vol. 2 and 3, by Bohm-Vitense
Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics
  • "Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology (2nd edition)", Chapters 2, 3, 5, and 6, by Peter Schneider

Past Exams

YearStellar AstrophysicsGalactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics
20242024 SA2024 GA
20232023 SA2023 GA
20212021 SA2021 GA
20202020 SA2020 GA
20192019 SA2019 GA
20182018 GA
20172017 SA
20162016 SA2016 GA
20152015 SA2015 GA
20142014 SA2014 GA
20132013 SA2013 GA
20122012 SA2012 GA
20112011 SA2011 GA
20102010 SA2010 GA
20092009 SA2009 GA
20082008 SA2008 GA
20072007 SA2007 GA
20062006 SA2006 GA
20052005 SA2005 GA
20042004 SA2004 GA
20032003 SA2003 GA
20022002 SA2002 GA
20012001 GA
20001: 2000 SA A , 2: 2000 SA B 1: 2000 GA A , 2: 2000 GA B
19991999 SA
19981998 SA 1: 1998 GA A , 2: 1998 GA B
19971997 SA1997 GA
19961996 SA 1: 1996 GA A , 2: 1996 GA B