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2008年發表 9篇
1. Chou, Yi, Chung, Yi-Ying, Hu, Chin-Ping, et al. , Anomalous Phase Variations of the Accretion-Powered Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1807-294 , ASTROPHYSICS OF COMPACT OBJECTS: International Conference on Astrophysics of Compact Objects. AIP C
2. Hu,Chin-Ping , Chou,Yi , Chung,Yi-Ying, A Parameterization Study of the Properties of the X-Ray Dips in the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary X1916-053 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 680, Issue 2, pp. 1405-1411..( 2008)
3. Chou,Y. , Chung,Y. , Hu,Chin-Ping , et al. , Precise Orbital Parameters and Anomalous Phase Variations of the Accretion-powered Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1807-294 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 678, Issue 2, pp. 1316-1323..( 2008)
4. Chen,H.-C. , Ko,C.-M., Open clusters in a dispersing molecular cloud , Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.329, Issue , p.1053.( 2008)
5. Dogiel,V.A. , Cheng,K.-S. , Chernyshov,D.O., et al. ( Including: Ko,C.M. , Ip,W.H. ), De-excitation C and O lines and the 511 keV annihilation line from Sgr A ∗ , New Astronomy Reviews, Volume 52, Issue 7-10, p. 460-462..( 2008)
6. Handler,G. , Provencal,J.L. , Montgomery,M.H., et al. ( Including: Chen, W.-P. ), Constraining convection parameters from the light curve shapes of pulsating white dwarf stars: the cases of EC 14012-1446 and WD 1524-0030 , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 118, Issue 1, id. 0120..( 2008)
7. Tseng,W.-L. , Ip,W.-H. , Kopp,A., Exospheric heating by pickup ions at Titan , Advances in Space Research, Volume 42, Issue 1, p. 54-60..( 2008)
8. Wang,Y.-C. , Ip,W.-H., A surface thermal model and exospheric ballistic transport code of planet Mercury , Advances in Space Research, Volume 42, Issue 1, p. 34-39..( 2008)
9. Chen,Y.-J. , Nuevo,M. , Yih,T.-S., et al. ( Including: Ip,W.-H. ), Amino acids produced from the ultraviolet/extreme-ultraviolet irradiation of naphthalene in a H2O+NH3 ice mixture , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 384, Issue 2, pp. 605-610..( 2008)