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2012年發表 57篇

1. Maguire, K.; Sullivan, M.; Ellis, R. S.; Nugent, P. E.; Howell, D. A.; Gal-Yam, A.; Cooke, J.; Mazzali, P.; Pan, Y. -C.; Dilday, B.; Thomas, R. C.; Arcavi, I.; Ben-Ami, S.; Bersier, D.; Bianco, F. B.; Fulton, B. J.; Hook, I.; Horesh, A.; Hsiao, E.; James, P. A. Podsiadlowski, P.; Walker, E. S.; Yaron, O.; Kasliwal, M. M.; Laher, R. R.; Law, N. M.; Ofek, E. O.; Poznanski, D.; Surace, J., Hubble Space Telescope studies of low-redshift Type Ia supernovae: evolution with redshift and ultraviolet spectral trends , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 426, Issue 3, pp. 2359-2379. (2012/11).

2. Dilday, B.; Howell, D. A.; Cenko, S. B.; Silverman, J. M.; Nugent, P. E.; Sullivan, M.; Ben-Ami, S.; Bildsten, L.; Bolte, M.; Endl, M.; Filippenko, A. V.; Gnat, O.; Horesh, A.; Hsiao, E.; Kasliwal, M. M.; Kirkman, D.; Maguire, K.; Marcy, G. W.; Moore, K.; Pan, Y. C.; Parrent, J. T.; Podsiadlowski, P.; Quimby, R. M.; Sternberg, A.; Suzuki, N.; Tytler, D. R.; Xu, D.; Bloom, J. S.; Gal-Yam, A.; Hook, I. M.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Law, N. M.; Ofek, E. O.; Polishook, D.; Poznanski, D., PTF 11kx: A Type Ia Supernova with a Symbiotic Nova Progenitor , Science, Volume 337, Issue 6097, pp. 942- (2012/08).

3. Parrent, J. T.; Howell, D. A.; Friesen, B.; Thomas, R. C.; Fesen, R. A.; Milisavljevic, D.; Bianco, F. B.; Dilday, B.; Nugent, P.; Baron, E.; Arcavi, I.; Ben-Ami, S.; Bersier, D.; Bildsten, L.; Bloom, J.; Cao, Y.; Cenko, S. B.; Filippenko, A. V.; Gal-Yam, A.; Kasliwal, M. M. Konidaris, N.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Law, N. M.; Levitan, D.; Maguire, K.; Mazzali, P. A.; Ofek, E. O.; Pan, Y. C.; Polishook, D.; Poznanski, D.; Quimby, R. M.; Silverman, J. M.; Sternberg, A.; Sullivan, M.; Walker, E. S.; Xu, Dong; Buton, C.; Pereira, R., Analysis of the Early-time Optical Spectra of SN 2011fe in M101 , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 752, Issue 2, article id. L26, 7 pp. (2012/06).

4. Fernández Fernández, Javier; Chou, Dean-Yi; Pan, Yen-Chen; Wang, Li-Hang, An Improved Method for Differential Photometry , Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 124, Issue 915, pp. 507 (2012/05).

5. de Mooij, E. J. W., Brogi, M., de Kok, R. J., et al. (including Lee, C. H.), Optical to near-infrared transit observations of super-Earth GJ 1214b: water-world or mini-Neptune? , Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 538, pp. id A46, (2012)

6. Ben-Ami,Sagi , Konidaris,Nick , Quimby,Robert, et al. ( Including: Ngeow,ChowChoong ), The SED Machine: a dedicated transient IFU spectrograph , Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 8446, 8

7. Chernyshov,D.O. , Dogiel,V.A. , Ko,C.M., Stochastic Particle Acceleration and the Problem of Background Plasma Overheating , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 759, Issue 2, 113, 11 p..( 2012)

8. Chang,Chan-Kao , Lai,Shao-Yu , Ko,Chung-Ming, et al. , Information on the Milky Way from the 2MASS All Sky Star Count: Bimodal Color Distributions , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 759, Issue 2, 94, 10 p..( 2012)

9. Cheng,K.-S. , Chernyshov,D.O. , Dogiel,V.A., et al. ( Including: Ko,C.-M. , Ip,W.-H. ), The Fermi Bubble as a Source of Cosmic Rays in the Energy Range >1015 eV , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 746, Issue 2, 116, 12 p..( 2012)

10. Müller,Joachim , Simon,Sven , Wang,Yung-Ching, et al. ( Including: Ip,Wing-Huen ), Origin of Mercury’s double magnetopause: 3D hybrid simulation study with A.I.K.E.F. , Icarus, Volume 218, Issue 1, p. 666-687..( 2012)

11. Lata, Sneh, Pandey, A.K., Chen, W. P., et al. , Pre-main-sequence variable stars in young open cluster NGC 1893 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 427, Issue 2, pp. 1449-1462..( 2012)

12. Hayashida, M., Madejski, G.M., Nalewajko, K., et al. (Including: Chen, W. P.), The Structure and Emission Model of the Relativistic Jet in the Quasar 3C 279 Inferred from Radio to High-energy γ-Ray Observations in 2008-2010 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 754, Issue 2, 114, 22 p..(2012)

13. Ackermann, M., Ajello, M., Ballet, J., et al. (Including:Chen, W. P.), Multi-wavelength Observations of Blazar AO 0235+164 in the 2008-2009 Flaring State , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 751, Issue 2, 159, 20 p..(2012)

14. Chen, W. P., Hu,S.C.-L. , Errmann,R., et al. , A Possible Detection of Occultation by a Proto-planetary Clump in GM Cephei , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 751, Issue 2, 118, 5 p..(2012)

15. Provencal,J.L. , Montgomery,M.H. , Kanaan,A., et al. (Including:Chen, W. P.), Empirical Determination of Convection Parameters in White Dwarfs. I. Whole Earth Telescope Observations of EC14012-1446 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 751, Issue 2, 91, 19 p..( 2012)

16. Hsieh,Henry H., Yang, Bin, Haghighipour, Nader, et al. (Including:Chen, Wen-Ping, Ip, Wing, Kinoshita, Daisuke), Observational and Dynamical Characterization of Main-belt Comet P/2010 R2 (La Sagra) , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 143, Issue 5, 104, 16 p..(2012)

17. Hsieh,Henry H., Yang, Bin, Haghighipour, Nader, et al. (Including: Chen, Wen-Ping, Ip, Wing-Huen, Kinoshita, Daisuke), Discovery of Main-belt Comet P/2006 VW139 by Pan-STARRS1 , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 748, Issue 1, L15, 7 p..(2012)

18. Eswaraiah,C. , Pandey,A.K. , Maheswar,G., et al. ( Including: Chen, W. P. ), Broad-band optical polarimetric studies towards the Galactic young star cluster Berkeley 59 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 419, Issue 3, pp. 2587-2605..( 2012)

19. Lin,LupinC.C. , Takata,Jumpei , Kong,AlbertK.H., et al. ( Including: Hwang,C.Y. ), Investigation of CTA 1 using a Suzaku observation , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 426, Issue 3, pp. 2283-2290..( 2012)

20. Hwang,Chorng-Yuan , Tsai,Mengchun, Star Formation in the Central Kiloparsec of Nearby Active Galaxies , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 372, Issue 1, id. 0120..( 2012)

21. Hsieh,Pei-Ying , Ho,PaulT.P. , Kohno,Kotaro, et al. ( Including: Hwang,Chorng-Yuan ), Probing Circumnuclear Environments with the HCN(J = 3-2) and HCO+(J = 3-2) Lines: Case of NGC 1097 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 747, Issue 2, 90, 10 p..( 2012)

22. Tsai,Mengchun , Hwang,Chorng-Yuan , Matsushita,Satoki, et al. , Interferometric CO(3-2) Observations toward the Central Region of NGC 1068 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 746, Issue 2, 129, 10 p..( 2012)

23. Huang,K.Y. , Urata,Y. , Tung,Y.H., et al. ( Including: Ip,W.H. ), GRB 071112C: A Case Study of Different Mechanisms in X-Ray and Optical Temporal Evolution , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 748, Issue 1, 44, 7 p..( 2012)

24. Desai,S. , Armstrong,R. , Mohr,J.J., et al. ( Including: Ngeow,C.-C. ), The Blanco Cosmology Survey: Data Acquisition, Processing, Calibration, Quality Diagnostics, and Data Release , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 757, Issue 1, 83, 22 p..( 2012)

25. Guggenberger,E. , Kolenberg,K. , Nemec,J.M., et al. ( Including: Ngeow,C.-C. ), The complex case of V445 Lyr observed with Kepler: two Blazhko modulations, a non-radial mode, possible triple mode RR Lyrae pulsation, and more , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 424, Issue 1, pp. 649-665..( 2012)

26. Ngeow,Chow-Choong , Citro,DanielleM. , Kanbur,ShashiM., Period-luminosity relations for Small Magellanic Cloud Cepheid based on AKARI archival data , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 420, Issue 1, pp. 585-589..( 2012)

27. Ngeow,Chow-Choong , Marconi,Marcella , Musella,Ilaria, et al. , Theoretical Cepheid Period-Luminosity and Period-Color Relations in Spitzer IRAC Bands , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 745, Issue 2, 104, 12 p..( 2012)

28. Hui,C.Y. , Seo,K.A. ,Hu, Chin-Ping , et al. ( Including: Chou,Y. ), Detection of X-Ray Periodicity from a New Eclipsing Polar Candidate XGPS-I J183251-100106 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 759, Issue 2, 109, 7 p..( 2012)

29. Ohno,M. , Hanabata,Y. , Uehara,T., et al. ( Including: Urata,Y. ), The six year results of Suzaku Wide-band All-Sky monitor , SUZAKU 2011: Exploring the X-ray Universe: Suzaku and Beyond.  AIPC 1427, pp. 115-122 (2012)

30. Urata,Yuji , Tsai,PatrickP. , Huang,Kuiyun, et al. , Unusual Long and Luminous Optical Transient in the Subaru Deep Field , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 760, Issue 1, L11, 6 p..( 2012)

31. Kataoka,J. , Yatsu,Y. , Kawai,N., et al. ( Including:Urata,Y. , Tsai,An-Li), Toward Identifying the Unassociated Gamma-Ray Source 1FGL J1311.7-3429 with X-Ray and Optical Observations , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 757, Issue 2, 176, 9 p..( 2012)

32. Zheng,W. , Shen,R.F. , Sakamoto,T., et al. ( Including: Urata,Y. ), Panchromatic Observations of the Textbook GRB 110205A: Constraining Physical Mechanisms of Prompt Emission and Afterglow , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 751, Issue 2, 90, 21 p..( 2012)

33. Urata,Yuji , Huang,Kuiyun , Yamaoka,Kazutaka, et al. , Energetic Fermi/LAT GRB 100414A: Energetic and Correlations , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 748, Issue 1, L4, 5 p..( 2012)

34. Neilson, H. R., Nardetto, N., Ngeow, C.-C., et al., Cepheid limb darkening, angular diameter corrections, and projection factor from static spherical model stellar atmospheres , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 541, id.A134, 8 pp. (2012)

35. Tsai,An-Li , Matsushita,Satoki , Kong,AlbertK.H., et al. , First Detection of a Subkiloparsec Scale Molecular Outflow in the Starburst Galaxy NGC 3628 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 752, Issue 1, 38, 14 p..( 2012)

36. Richichi, A., Chen, W. P., Cusano, F., et al., An investigation of binary stars in the Pleiades with high contrast and spatial resolution , Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 541, pp. A96, (2012)

37. Ngeow, C.-C., Neilson, H. R., Nardetto, N., Marengo, M., Calibrating the projection factor for Galactic Cepheids , Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 543, pp. A55, (2012)

38. Gulkis, S., Keihm, S., Kamp, L., et al. (including Ip, W.-H.), Continuum and spectroscopic observations of asteroid (21) Lutetia at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths with the MIRO instrument on the Rosetta spacecraft , Planetary and Space Science, v. 66, pp. 31, (2012)

39. Ngeow, C.-C., Kanbur, S. M., Bellinger, E. P., et al., Period-luminosity relations for Cepheid variables: from mid-infrared to multi-phase , Astrophysics and Space Science, v. 341, pp. 105, (2012)

40. Haider, S. A., Lal, S., Ip, W.-H., and Barabash, S., Preface , Planetary and Space Science, v. 63, pp. 1, (2012)

41. Ngeow, C.-C., On the Application of Wesenheit Function in Deriving Distance to Galactic Cepheids , The Astrophysical Journal, v. 747, pp. 50, (2012)

42. ?uhada, R., Song, J., B?hringer, H., et al.(including Ngeow, C. C.), The XMM-BCS galaxy cluster survey. I. The X-ray selected cluster catalog from the initial 6 deg2 , Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 537, pp. A39, (2012)

43. Ip, W.-H., ENA diagnostics of auroral activity at Mars , Planetary and Space Science, v. 63, pp. 83, (2012)

44. Wu, M.-F., Chen, C.-M., Liu, J.-L., and Nester, J. M., Quasi-local energy for spherically symmetric spacetimes , General Relativity and Gravitation, v. 44, pp. 2401, (2012)

45. Cremonese, G., Martellato, E., Marzari, F., et al. (including Ip, W.), Hydrocode simulations of the largest crater on asteroid Lutetia , Planetary and Space Science, v. 66, pp. 147, (2012)

46. Koptelova, E., Chen, W. P., Chiueh, T., et al., Time delay between images of the lensed quasar UM673 , Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 544, pp. A51, (2012)

47. F.-H. Ho and J.M. Nester, Poincaré gauge theory with coupled even and odd parity spin-0 modes: Cosmological normal modes , Annalen der Physik, v. 524, pp. 97, (2012)

48. Jose, J., Pandey, A. K., Ogura, K., et al.(including Chauhan, N.), Optical and near-infrared survey of the stellar contents associated with the star-forming complex Sh2-252 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 424, pp. 2486, (2012)

49. Lin, Z.-Y., Lara, L. M., Vincent, J. B., and Ip, W.-H., Physical studies of 81P/Wild 2 from the last two apparitions , Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 537, pp. A101, (2012)

50. Sharma, S., Pandey, A. K., Pandey, J. C., et al.(including Chauhan, N.), Multiwavelength Study of the NGC 281 Region , Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v. 64, pp. 107, (2012)

51. Reed, M. D., Kilkenny, D., O'Toole, S., et al.(including Chen, W.-P. ), Multiyear and multisite photometric campaigns on the bright high-amplitude pulsating subdwarf B star EC 01541-1409 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 421, pp. 181, (2012)

52. Lee, C.-H., Riffeser, A., Koppenhoefer, J., et al., PAndromeda?First Results from the High-cadence Monitoring of M31 with Pan-STARRS 1 , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 143, Issue 4, article id. 89, 16 pp. (2012)

53. Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Smith, P. S., et al.(including Chen, W. P.), Variability of the blazar 4C 38.41 (B3 1633+382) from GHz frequencies to GeV energies , Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 545, pp. A48, (2012)

54. Samal, M. R., Pandey, A. K., Ojha, D. K., et al.(including Chauhan, N.), Star Formation and Young Population of the H II Complex Sh2-294 , The Astrophysical Journal, v. 755, pp. 20, (2012)

55. Schunov?, E., Granvik, M., Jedicke, R., et al.(including Abe, S.), Searching for the first near-Earth object family , Icarus, v. 220, pp. 1050, (2012)

56. Lin, C., Abe, S., Koten, P., and Yang, I., Video Observation of the Leonids 2001 Activity , Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, v. 64, pp. 6, (2012)

57. J.M. Nester and C.-H. Wang, Can torsion be treated as just another tensor field? , International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, v. 7, pp. 158, (2012)