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2017年發表 98篇

1. Stalder, B.; Tonry, J.; Smartt, S. J.; Coughlin, M.; Chambers, K. C.; Stubbs, C. W.; Chen, T. -W.; Kankare, E.; Smith, K. W.; Denneau, L.; Sherstyuk, A.; Heinze, A.; Weiland, H.; Rest, A.; Young, D. R.; Huber, M. E.; Flewelling, H.; Lowe, T.; Magnier, E. A.; Schultz, A. S. B.; Waters, C.; Wainscoat, R.; Willman, M.; Wright, D. E.; Chu, J.; Sanders, D.; Inserra, C.; Maguire, K.; Kotak, R., Observations of the GRB Afterglow ATLAS17aeu and Its Possible Association with GW 170104 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 850, Issue 2, article id. 149, 13 pp. (2017). (2017/12)

2. Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., et al. (including Chen, W. P., Lin, C. S., Samal, M. from NCU), Blazar spectral variability as explained by a twisted inhomogeneous jet , Nature, Volume 552, Issue 7685, pp. 374-377 (2017/12)

3. Carnerero, M. I., Raiteri, C. M., & Villata, M. et al. (including Chen, W. P., Eswaraiah, E., Koptelova, E., Lin, H. C., Panwar, N. from NCU), Dissecting the long-term emission behaviour of the BL Lac object Mrk 421 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 472, Issue 4, p.3789-3804 (2017/12)

4. Eswaraiah, Chakali; Lai, Shih-Ping; Chen, Wen-Ping; Pandey, A. K.; Tamura, M.; Maheswar, G.; Sharma, S.; Wang, Jia-Wei; Nishiyama, S.; Nakajima, Y.; Kwon, Jungmi; Purcell, R.; Magalhães, A. M., Understanding the Links among the Magnetic Fields, Filament, Bipolar Bubble, and Star Formation in RCW 57A Using NIR Polarimetry , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 850, Issue 2, article id. 195, 22 pp. (2017/12)

5. Drout, M. R.; Piro, A. L.; Shappee, B. J.; Kilpatrick, C. D.; Simon, J. D.; Contreras, C.; Coulter, D. A.; Foley, R. J.; Siebert, M. R.; Morrell, N.; Boutsia, K.; Di Mille, F.; Holoien, T. W. -S.; Kasen, D.; Kollmeier, J. A.; Madore, B. F.; Monson, A. J.; Murguia-Berthier, A.; Pan, Y. -C.; Prochaska, J. X. Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Rest, A.; Adams, C.; Alatalo, K.; Bañados, E.; Baughman, J.; Beers, T. C.; Bernstein, R. A.; Bitsakis, T.; Campillay, A.; Hansen, T. T.; Higgs, C. R.; Ji, A. P.; Maravelias, G.; Marshall, J. L.; Moni Bidin, C.; Prieto, J. L.; Rasmussen, K. C.; Rojas-Bravo, C.; Strom, A. L.; Ulloa, N.; Vargas-González, J.; Wan, Z.; Whitten, D. D., Light curves of the neutron star merger GW170817/SSS17a: Implications for r-process nucleosynthesis , Science, Volume 358, Issue 6370, pp. 1570-1574 (2017/12).

6. Shappee, B. J.; Simon, J. D.; Drout, M. R.; Piro, A. L.; Morrell, N.; Prieto, J. L.; Kasen, D.; Holoien, T. W. -S.; Kollmeier, J. A.; Kelson, D. D.; Coulter, D. A.; Foley, R. J.; Kilpatrick, C. D.; Siebert, M. R.; Madore, B. F.; Murguia-Berthier, A.; Pan, Y. -C.; Prochaska, J. X.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Rest, A. Adams, C.; Alatalo, K.; Bañados, E.; Baughman, J.; Bernstein, R. A.; Bitsakis, T.; Boutsia, K.; Bravo, J. R.; Di Mille, F.; Higgs, C. R.; Ji, A. P.; Maravelias, G.; Marshall, J. L.; Placco, V. M.; Prieto, G.; Wan, Z., Early spectra of the gravitational wave source GW170817: Evolution of a neutron star merger , Science, Volume 358, Issue 6370, pp. 1574-1578 (2017/12).

7. Coulter, D. A.; Foley, R. J.; Kilpatrick, C. D.; Drout, M. R.; Piro, A. L.; Shappee, B. J.; Siebert, M. R.; Simon, J. D.; Ulloa, N.; Kasen, D.; Madore, B. F.; Murguia-Berthier, A.; Pan, Y. -C.; Prochaska, J. X.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Rest, A.; Rojas-Bravo, C., Swope Supernova Survey 2017a (SSS17a), the optical counterpart to a gravitational wave source , Science, Volume 358, Issue 6370, pp. 1556-1558 (2017/12).

8. Kilpatrick, C. D.; Foley, R. J.; Kasen, D.; Murguia-Berthier, A.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Coulter, D. A.; Drout, M. R.; Piro, A. L.; Shappee, B. J.; Boutsia, K.; Contreras, C.; Di Mille, F.; Madore, B. F.; Morrell, N.; Pan, Y. -C.; Prochaska, J. X.; Rest, A.; Rojas-Bravo, C.; Siebert, M. R.; Simon, J. D. Ulloa, N., Electromagnetic evidence that SSS17a is the result of a binary neutron star merger , Science, Volume 358, Issue 6370, pp. 1583-1587 (2017/12).

9. Knust, F.; Greiner, J.; van Eerten, H. J.; Schady, P.; Kann, D. A.; Chen, T. -W.; Delvaux, C.; Graham, J. F.; Klose, S.; Krühler, T.; McConnell, N. J.; Nicuesa Guelbenzu, A.; Perley, D. A.; Schmidl, S.; Schweyer, T.; Tanga, M.; Varela, K., Long optical plateau in the afterglow of the short GRB 150424A with extended emission. Evidence for energy injection by a magnetar? , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 607, id.A84, 12 pp. (2017/11)

10. Smartt, S. J.; Chen, T. -W.; Jerkstrand, A.; Coughlin, M.; Kankare, E.; Sim, S. A.; Fraser, M.; Inserra, C.; Maguire, K.; Chambers, K. C.; Huber, M. E.; Krühler, T.; Leloudas, G.; Magee, M.; Shingles, L. J.; Smith, K. W.; Young, D. R.; Tonry, J.; Kotak, R.; Gal-Yam, A.; Lyman, J. D.; Homan, D. S.; Agliozzo, C.; Anderson, J. P.; Angus, C. R.; Ashall, C.; Barbarino, C.; Bauer, F. E.; Berton, M.; Botticella, M. T.; Bulla, M.; Bulger, J.; Cannizzaro, G.; Cano, Z.; Cartier, R.; Cikota, A.; Clark, P.; De Cia, A.; Della Valle, M.; Denneau, L.; Dennefeld, M.; Dessart, L.; Dimitriadis, G.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Firth, R. E.; Flewelling, H.; Flörs, A.; Franckowiak, A.; Frohmaier, C.; Galbany, L.; González-Gaitán, S.; Greiner, J.; Gromadzki, M.; Guelbenzu, A. Nicuesa; Gutiérrez, C. P.; Hamanowicz, A.; Hanlon, L.; Harmanen, J.; Heintz, K. E.; Heinze, A.; Hernandez, M. -S.; Hodgkin, S. T.; Hook, I. M.; Izzo, L.; James, P. A.; Jonker, P. G.; Kerzendorf, W. E.; Klose, S.; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.; Kowalski, M.; Kromer, M.; Kuncarayakti, H.; Lawrence, A.; Lowe, T. B.; Magnier, E. A.; Manulis, I.; Martin-Carrillo, A.; Mattila, S.; McBrien, O.; Müller, A.; Nordin, J.; O'Neill, D.; Onori, F.; Palmerio, J. T.; Pastorello, A.; Patat, F.; Pignata, G.; Podsiadlowski, Ph.; Pumo, M. L.; Prentice, S. J.; Rau, A.; Razza, A.; Rest, A.; Reynolds, T.; Roy, R.; Ruiter, A. J.; Rybicki, K. A.; Salmon, L.; Schady, P.; Schultz, A. S. B.; Schweyer, T.; Seitenzahl, I. R.; Smith, M.; Sollerman, J.; Stalder, B.; Stubbs, C. W.; Sullivan, M.; Szegedi, H.; Taddia, F.; Taubenberger, S.; Terreran, G.; van Soelen, B.; Vos, J.; Wainscoat, R. J.; Walton, N. A.; Waters, C.; Weiland, H.; Willman, M.; Wiseman, P.; Wright, D. E.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Yaron, O. , A kilonova as the electromagnetic counterpart to a gravitational-wave source , Nature, Volume 551, Issue 7678, pp. 75-79 (2017/11).

11. Wang, Jia-Wei; Lai, Shih-Ping; Eswaraiah, Chakali; Clemens, Dan P.; Chen, Wen-Ping; Pandey, Anil K., Multiwavelength Stellar Polarimetry of the Filamentary Cloud IC5146. I. Dust Properties , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 849, Issue 2, article id. 157, 18 pp. (2017/11)

12. Mairs, Steve; Johnstone, Doug; Kirk, Helen; Lane, James; Bell, Graham S.; Graves, Sarah; Herczeg, Gregory J.; Scicluna, Peter; Bower, Geoffrey C.; Chen, Huei-Ru Vivien; Hatchell, Jennifer; Aikawa, Yuri; Chen, Wen-Ping; Kang, Miju; Kang, Sung-Ju; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Morata, Oscar; Pon, Andy; Scholz, Aleks; Takahashi, Satoko; Yoo, Hyunju; The JCMT Transient Team, The JCMT Transient Survey: Identifying Submillimeter Continuum Variability over Several Year Timescales Using Archival JCMT Gould Belt Survey Observations , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 849, Issue 2, article id. 107, 22 pp. (2017/11)

13. Herczeg, G. I., Johnstone, D. I., Mairs, S., et al. (including Chen, W. P., Samal, M., and Lalchand, Bhavana from NCU), How Do Stars Gain Their Mass? A JCMT/SCUBA-2 Transient Survey of Protostars in Nearby Star-forming Regions , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 849, Issue 1, article id. 43, 14 pp. (2017/11)

14. LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration et al., including Pan, Yen-Chen, A gravitational-wave standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant , Nature, Volume 551, Issue 7678, pp. 85-88 (2017/11).

15. LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration et al., including Pan, Y.-C., Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger* , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Number 2 (2017/10).

16. Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al.; (including Chen, Ting-Wan, Ngeow, Chow-Choong, Ip, Wing-Huen, Yu, Po-Chieh), Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger , Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Number 2, L12 (2017/10)

17. Bhattacharya, Souradeep; Mishra, Ishan; Vaidya, Kaushar; Chen, W. P., Disintegration of the Aged Star Cluster Berkeley 17 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 847, Issue 2, article id. 138, 7 pp. (2017/10)

18. Pan, Y. -C.; Kilpatrick, C. D.; Simon, J. D.; Xhakaj, E.; Boutsia, K.; Coulter, D. A.; Drout, M. R.; Foley, R. J.; Kasen, D.; Morrell, N.; Murguia-Berthier, A.; Osip, D.; Piro, A. L.; Prochaska, J. X.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Rest, A.; Rojas-Bravo, C.; Shappee, B. J.; Siebert, M. R., The Old Host-galaxy Environment of SSS17a, the First Electromagnetic Counterpart to a Gravitational-wave Source , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Issue 2, article id. L30, 7 pp. (2017/10)

19. Pan, Y. -C.; Foley, R. J.; Smith, M.; Galbany, L.; D'Andrea, C. B.; González-Gaitán, S.; Jarvis, M. J.; Kessler, R.; Kovacs, E.; Lidman, C. Nichol, R. C.; Papadopoulos, A.; Sako, M.; Sullivan, M.; Abbott, T. M. C.; Abdalla, F. B.; Annis, J.; Bechtol, K.; Benoit-Lévy, A.; Brooks, D.; Buckley-Geer, E. Burke, D. L.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F. J.; Cunha, C. E.; da Costa, L. N.; Desai, S.; Diehl, H. T.; Doel, P.; Eifler, T. F.; Finley, D. A.; Flaugher, B.; Frieman, J.; García-Bellido, J.; Goldstein, D. A.; Gruen, D.; Gruendl, R. A.; Gschwend, J.; Gutierrez, G.; James, D. J.; Kim, A. G.; Krause, E.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Lahav, O.; Lima, M.; Maia, M. A. G.; March, M.; Marshall, J. L.; Martini, P.; Miquel, R.; Nugent, P.; Plazas, A. A.; Romer, A. K.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schubnell, M.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Smith, R. C.; Sobreira, F.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M. E. C.; Thomas, R. C.; Walker, A. R.; DES Collaboration, DES15E2mlf: a spectroscopically confirmed superluminous supernova that exploded 3.5 Gyr after the big bang , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 470, Issue 4, p.4241-4250 (2017/10)

20. Murguia-Berthier, A.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Kilpatrick, C. D.; Foley, R. J.; Kasen, D.; Lee, W. H.; Piro, A. L.; Coulter, D. A.; Drout, M. R.; Madore, B. F.; Shappee, B. J.; Pan, Y. -C.; Prochaska, J. X.; Rest, A.; Rojas-Bravo, C.; Siebert, M. R.; Simon, J. D., A Neutron Star Binary Merger Model for GW170817/GRB 170817A/SSS17a , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Issue 2, article id. L34, 8 pp. (2017/10).

21. Siebert, M. R.; Foley, R. J.; Drout, M. R.; Kilpatrick, C. D.; Shappee, B. J.; Coulter, D. A.; Kasen, D.; Madore, B. F.; Murguia-Berthier, A.; Pan, Y. -C.; Piro, A. L.; Prochaska, J. X.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Rest, A.; Contreras, C.; Morrell, N.; Rojas-Bravo, C.; Simon, J. D., The Unprecedented Properties of the First Electromagnetic Counterpart to a Gravitational-wave Source , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Issue 2, article id. L26, 6 pp. (2017/10).

22. Chen, Ting-Wan; Smartt, Stephen J. ; Yates, Rob M.; Nicholl, Matt; Krühler, Thomas ; Schady, Patricia ; Dennefeld, Michel ; Inserra, Cosimo, Superluminous supernova progenitors have a half-solar metallicity threshold , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 470, Issue 3, p.3566-3573 (2017/09)

23. Terreran, G.; Pumo, M. L.; Chen, T. -W.; Moriya, T. J.; Taddia, F.; Dessart, L.; Zampieri, L.; Smartt, S. J.; Benetti, S.; Inserra, C.; Cappellaro, E.; Nicholl, M.; Fraser, M.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Udalski, A.; Howell, D. A.; McCully, C.; Valenti, S.; Dimitriadis, G.; Maguire, K.; Sullivan, M.; Smith, K. W.; Yaron, O.; Young, D. R.; Anderson, J. P.; Della Valle, M.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Gal-Yam, A.; Jerkstrand, A.; Kankare, E.; Pastorello, A.; Sollerman, J.; Turatto, M.; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.; Kozłowski, S.; Mróz, P.; Pawlak, M.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Poleski, R.; Skowron, D.; Skowron, J.; Soszyński, I.; Szymański, M. K.; Ulaczyk, K. , Hydrogen-rich supernovae beyond the neutrino-driven core-collapse paradigm , Nature Astronomy, Volume 1, p. 713-720 (2017/09).

24. Cano, Z.; Izzo, L.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Thöne, C. C.; Krühler, T.; Heintz, K. E.; Malesani, D.; Geier, S.; Fuentes, C.; Chen, T. -W.; Covino, S.; D'Elia, V.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Goldoni, P.; Gomboc, A.; Hjorth, J.; Jakobsson, P.; Kann, D. A.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; Pugliese, G.; Sánchez-Ramírez, R.; Schulze, S.; Sollerman, J.; Tanvir, N. R.; Wiersema, K., GRB 161219B/SN 2016jca: A low-redshift gamma-ray burst supernova powered by radioactive heating , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 605, id.A107, 21 pp. (2017/09)

25. Lin, Zhong-Yi; Knollenberg, J.; Vincent, J.-B.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Ip, W.-H.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H. U.; Mottola, S.; Bodewits, D.; Agarwal, J.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Bertini, I.; Cremonese, G.; Deller, J.; Da Deppo, V.; Davidsson, B.; Debei, S.; De Cecco, M.; Fornasier, S.; Fulle, M.; Groussin, O.; Gutiérrez, P. J.; Güttler, C.; Hofmann, M.; Hviid, S. F.; Jorda, L.; Kovacs, G.; Kramm, J.-R.; Kührt, E.; Küppers, M.; Lai, I.-L.; Lara, L. M.; Lazzarin, M.; Lee, J.-C.; López-Moreno, J. J.; Marzari, F.; Naletto, G.; Oklay, N.; Ott, T.; Drolshagen, E.; Shi, X.; Thomas, N.; Tubiana, C., Investigating the physical properties of outbursts on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.S731-S740 (2017/07)

26. Agarwal, J.; Della Corte, V.; Feldman, P. D.; Geiger, B.; Merouane, S.; Bertini, I.; Bodewits, D.; Fornasier, S.; Grün, E.; Hasselmann, P.; Hilchenbach, M.; Höfner, S.; Ivanovski, S.; Kolokolova, L.; Pajola, M.; Rotundi, A.; Sierks, H.; Steffl, A. J.; Thomas, N.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Barbieri, C.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Boudreault, S.; Cremonese, G.; Da Deppo, V.; Davidsson, B.; Debei, S.; De Cecco, M.; Deller, J. F.; Feaga, L. M.; Fischer, H.; Fulle, M.; Gicquel, A.; Groussin, O.; Güttler, C.; Gutiérrez, P. J.; Hofmann, M.; Hornung, K.; Hviid, S. F.; Ip, W.-H.; Jorda, L.; Keller, H. U.; Kissel, J.; Knollenberg, J.; Koch, A.; Koschny, D.; Kramm, J.-R.; Kührt, E.; Küppers, M.; Lamy, P. L.; Langevin, Y.; Lara, L. M.; Lazzarin, M.; Lin, Z.-Y.; Lopez Moreno, J. J.; Lowry, S. C.; Marzari, F.; Mottola, S.; Naletto, G.; Oklay, N.; Parker, J. Wm.; Rodrigo, R.; Rynö, J.; Shi, X.; Stenzel, O.; Tubiana, C.; Vincent, J.-B.; Weaver, H. A.; Zaprudin, B., Evidence of sub-surface energy storage in comet 67P from the outburst of 2016 July 03 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.s606-s625 (2017/07)

27. Inserra, C.; Nicholl, M.; Chen, T. -W.; Jerkstrand, A.; Smartt, S. J.; Krühler, T.; Anderson, J. P.; Baltay, C.; Della Valle, M.; Fraser, M.; Gal-Yam, A.; Galbany, L.; Kankare, E.; Maguire, K.; Rabinowitz, D.; Smith, K.; Valenti, S.; Young, D. R., Complexity in the light curves and spectra of slow-evolving superluminous supernovae , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 468, Issue 4, p.4642-4662 (2017/06)

28. Friesen, Brian; Baron, E.; Parrent, Jerod T.; Thomas, R. C.; Branch, David; Nugent, Peter E.; Hauschildt, Peter H.; Foley, Ryan J.; Wright, Darryl E.; Pan, Yen-Chen; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Clubb, Kelsey I.; Silverman, Jeffrey M.; Maeda, Keiichi; Shivvers, Isaac; Kelly, Patrick L.; Cohen, Daniel P.; Rest, Armin; Kasen, Daniel, Optical and ultraviolet spectroscopic analysis of SN 2011fe at late times , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 467, Issue 2, p.2392-2411 (2017/05).

29. Chen, Ting-Wan, M. Nicholl, S. J. Smartt, P. A. Mazzali, R. M. Yates, T. J. Moriya, C. Inserra, N. Langer, T. Kruehler, Pan, Y.-C., R. Kotak, L. Galbany, P. Schady, P. Wiseman, J. Greiner, S. Schulze, A. W. S. Man, A. Jerkstrand, K. W. Smith, M. Dennefeld, C. Baltay, J. Bolmer, E. Kankare, F. Knust, K. Maguire, D. Rabinowitz, S. Rostami, M. Sullivan, D. R. Young, The evolution of superluminous supernova LSQ14mo and its interacting host galaxy system , A&A Volume 602, June 2017, A9, 22 (2017/05).

30. Godoy-Rivera, D.; Stanek, K. Z.; Kochanek, C. S.; Chen, Ping; Dong, Subo; Prieto, J. L.; Shappee, B. J.; Jha, S. W.; Foley, R. J.; Pan, Y. -C.; Holoien, T. W. -S.; Thompson, Todd. A.; Grupe, D.; Beacom, J. F., The Unexpected, Long-Lasting, UV Rebrightening of the Super-Luminous Supernova ASASSN-15lh , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 466, Issue 2, p.1428-1443 (2017/04).

31. Hsieh, Tien-Hao; Lai, Shih-Ping; Belloche, Arnaud, Widening of Protostellar Outflows: An Infrared Outflow Survey in Low-luminosity Objects , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 153, Issue 4, article id. 173, 12 pp. (2017). (2017/04)

32. Raiteri, C. M., Nicastro, F., Stamerra, A. (including Chen, W. P. and Huang, P. C. from NCU), et al., Synchrotron emission from the blazar PG 1553+113. An analysis of its flux and polarization variability , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 466, Issue 3, p.3762-3774 (2017/04)

33. Kilpatrick, Charles D.; Foley, Ryan J.; Abramson, Louis E.; Pan, Yen-Chen; Lu, Cicero-Xinyu; Williams, Peter; Treu, Tommaso; Siebert, Matthew R.; Fassnacht, Christopher D.; Max, Claire E., On the Progenitor of the Type IIb Supernova 2016gkg , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 465, Issue 4, p.4650-4657 (2017/03).

34. Moriya, Takashi J.; Chen, Ting-Wan; Langer, Norbert, Properties of Magnetars Mimicking 56Ni-powered Light Curves in Type IC Superluminous Supernovae , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 2, article id. 177, 9 pp. (2017/02).

35. Jerkstrand, A.; Smartt, S. J.; Inserra, C.; Nicholl, M.; Chen, T. -W.; Krühler, T.; Sollerman, J.; Taubenberger, S.; Gal-Yam, A.; Kankare, E.; Maguire, K.; Fraser, M.; Valenti, S.; Sullivan, M.; Cartier, R.; Young, D. R., Long-duration Superluminous Supernovae at Late Times , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 1, article id. 13, 23 pp. (2017). (2017/01)

36. Bhardwaj, Anupam; Kanbur, Shashi M.; Marconi, ;et al. ( Included:Ngeow, Chow-Choong ), A comparative study of multiwavelength theoretical and observed light curves of Cepheid variables , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 466, Issue 3, p.2805-2824 (2017)

37. Griv, Evgeny; Hou, Li-Gang;et al. ( Included:Ngeow, Chow-Choong ), The nearby spiral density-wave structure of the Galaxy: line-of-sight and longitudinal velocities of 223 Cepheids , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 464, Issue 4, p.4495-4508(2017)

38. Gezari, S.; Hung, T.; Cenko, S. B.; Blagorodnova, N.;et al. ( Included: Yu, Po-Chieh;Ngeow, Chow-Choong ), iPTF Discovery of the Rapid “Turn-on” of a Luminous Quasar , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 2, article id. 144, 11 pp. (2017).

39. Ngeow, Chow-Choong; Kanbur, Shashi M.; Bhardwaj, Anupam; Schrecengost, Zachariah; Singh, Harinder P., Period–color and Amplitude–color Relations at Maximum and Minimum Light for RR Lyrae Stars in the SDSS Stripe 82 Region , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 834, Issue 2, article id. 160, 12 pp. (2017).

40. Koptelova, E.,Hwang, Chorng-Yuan,Yu, Po-Chieh,Chen, Wen-Ping,Guo, J. K., Discovery of a very Lyman-α-luminous quasar at z = 6.62 , Scientific Reports, Volume 7, article id. 41617, 6pp. (2017)

41. Huang, Kuiyun, et al. (including Urata, Yuji,Yu, Po-Chieh), ALMA and RATIR observations of GRB 131030A , Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Advance Access, 8 pp (2017)

42. Lin, Yi-Fan ;Yu, Po-Chieh ;Huang Jen Chao ; et al. (including Hwang, Chorng-Yuan;Chen, Wen-Ping) , Investigating merging galaxies by using Pan-STARRS images⋆ , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 600, A28,8 (2017).

43. Tsai, A.-L.; ;Hwang, C.-Y. , Properties of Spectrally Defined Red QSOs at z = 0.3–1.2 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 842, Issue 1, article id. 57, 11 pp. (2017).

44. Hu, Chin-Ping; Chou, Yi,; Ng, C.-Y.;et al., Evolution of Spin, Orbital, and Superorbital Modulations of 4U 0114+650 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 844, Issue 1, article id. 16, 10 pp. (2017).

45. Yang, Michael Ting-Chang;Chou, Yi;Ngeow, Chow-Choong;et al., Long-term Periodicities of Cataclysmic Variables with Synoptic Surveys , Publications of the Astronomical Society of Pacific, Volume 129, Issue 979, pp. 094202 (2017).

46. Tian, Yong; Ko,Chung-Ming, Mass Discrepancy-Acceleration Relation in Einstein Rings , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 472, 765-771 (2017).

47. Chen, Wei-Chia; Chen, Hsiang-Ying; Chen, Yu-Sheng; Tian, Yong, and I Lin, Self-excited multi-scale skin vibrations through optical tracking motions of micro-tracers on arms , The Journal of Applied Physics 122, 024701 (2017).

48. Chiu, M.C.,Ko, C. M., Shu, C., Origin of the fundamental plane of elliptical galaxies in the Coma cluster without fine-tuning , Phys. Rev. D 95, 063020 (2017).

49. Yuan, Wenlong; Macri, Lucas M.; He, Shiyuan;(Included: Ngeow, Chow-Choong), Large Magellanic Cloud Near-infrared Synoptic Survey. V. Period–Luminosity Relations of Miras , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 154, Issue 4, article id. 149, 10 pp. (2017).

50. Griv, E.; Jiang, I.-G.; Hou, L.-G.; Ngeow, Chow-Choong, The nearby spiral density-wave structure of the Galaxy: Line-of-sight and longitudinal velocities of 61 masers , Astronomische Nachrichten, vol. 338, issue 6, pp. 729-739 (2017).

51. Bhardwaj, Anupam; Macri, Lucas M.; Rejkuba, Marina; (include : Ngeow, Chow-Choong), Large Magellanic Cloud Near-infrared Synoptic Survey. IV. Leavitt Laws for Type II Cepheid Variables , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 153, Issue 4, article id. 154, 16 pp. (2017).

52. Hsieh, Pei-Ying;Koch,Patrick M. , Paul Ho T. P., et al. (Included:Hwang,Chorng-Yuan), Molecular Gas Feeding the Circumnuclear Disk of the Galactic Center , The Astrophysical Journal, 847, 3, (2017).

53. Kiew, Ching-Yee ,Hwang , Chorng-Yuan, and Abibin,Zamri Zainal , Constraints on the dark matter neutralinos from the radio emissions of galaxy clusters , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 467, 2924(2017).

54. Azeez H. Jazeel , Abidin Zamri Z., Hwang, C.-Y., and Zainol A. Ibrahim,, Star Formation Law at Sub-kpc Scale in the Elliptical Galaxy Centaurus A as Seen by ALMA , Advance in Astronomy (2017)

55. Huang J. C. and Hwang, C.-Y., An Adaptive Homomorphic Aperture Photometry Algorithm for Merging Galaxies , Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 129, 034001 (2017)

56. Azeez Jazeel H. ,Hwang, C.-Y.,Abidin Zamri Z. & Ibrahim Zainol A., Kennicutt-Schmidt Law in the Central Region of NGC 4321 as Seen by ALMA , Scientific Reports, 6, 26896, 6(2017)

57. Chang, C.-K.;Lin, H.-W.; Ip, Wing-Huen; , et al. , Asteroid spin-rate studies using large sky-field surveys , The Geoscience Letters 4,17.(2017)

58. Chang, C.-K.;Lin, H.-W.; Ip, Wing-Huen;Lin,Zhong-Yi , et al. , Confirmation of Large Super-Fast Rotator (144977) 2005 EC127 , The Astrophysical Journal 840, L22.(2017)

59. Li, Yuan; Basilevsky, A. T.; Xie, Minggang;Ip, Wing-Huen, Shape of boulders ejected from small lunar impact craters , Planetary and Space Science, Volume 145, p. 71-77.(2017)

60. Pajola, M.; Lucchetti, A.; Fulle, M.; Mottola, S.;et al. ( Included:Ip, Wing-Huen), The pebbles/boulders size distributions on Sais: Rosetta's final landing site on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 471, Issue 1, p.680-689.(2017)

61. Drolshagen, E.; Ott, T.; Koschny, D.; Güttler, C.;et al. ( Included:Ip, Wing-Huen), Distance determination method of dust particles using Rosetta OSIRIS NAC and WAC data , Planetary and Space Science, Volume 143, p. 256-264.(2017)

62. Marschall, R.; Mottola, S.; Su, C. C.; et al. ( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen and Lai, I. L.), Cliffs versus plains: Can ROSINA/COPS and OSIRIS data of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in autumn 2014 constrain inhomogeneous outgassing? , Planetary and Space Science, Volume 143, p. 256-264.(2017)

63. Yu, Liang Liang; Yang, Bin; Ji, Jianghui;Ip, Wing-Huen, Thermophysical characteristics of the large main-belt asteroid (349) Dembowskaoutgassing? , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 472, issue 2, pp. 2388-2397 (2017)

64. Hu, X.; Shi, X.; Sierks, H.;et al. ( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen), Seasonal erosion and restoration of the dust cover on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as observed by OSIRIS onboard Rosetta , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 604, id.A114, 31 pp. (2017)

65. Yu, Liang-Liang; Ji, Jianghui;Ip, Wing-Huen, Surface thermophysical properties on the potentially hazardous asteroid (99942) Apophis , Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 17, Issue 7, article id. 070 (2017).

66. Bertini, I.; La Forgia, F.; Tubiana, C.; ( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen), The scattering phase function of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko coma as seen from the Rosetta/OSIRIS instrument , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.S404-S415 (2017).

67. Schmitt, M. I.; Tubiana, C.; Güttler, C.;( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen), Long-term monitoring of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's jets with OSIRIS onboard Rosetta , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.S380-S385(2017).

68. Keller, H. U.; Mottola, S.; Hviid, S. F.;( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen), Seasonal mass transfer on the nucleus of comet 67P/Chuyumov-Gerasimenko , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.S357-S371(2017).

69. Vincent, J.-B.; Hviid, S. F.; Mottola, S.;( Included:Lin,Zhong-Yi ;Ip, Wing-Huen), Constraints on cometary surface evolution derived from a statistical analysis of 67P's topography , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.S329-S338(2017).

70. Güttler, C.; Hasselmann, P. H.; Li, Y.;( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen), Characterization of dust aggregates in the vicinity of the Rosetta spacecraft , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.S312-S320(2017).

71. Ott, T.; Drolshagen, E.; Koschny, D.;( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen), Thermal modelling of water activity on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with global dust mantle and plural dust-to-ice ratio , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.S295-S311(2017).

72. Ott, T.; Drolshagen, E.; Koschny, D.;( Included:Ip, Wing-Huen;Lin,Zhong-Yi), Dust mass distribution around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko determined via parallax measurements using Rosetta's OSIRIS cameras , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.S276-S284(2017).

73. Lucchetti, A.; Pajola, M.; Fornasier, S.;( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen;Lin,Zhong-Yi), Geomorphological and spectrophotometric analysis of Seth's circular niches on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko using OSIRIS images , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.S238-S251(2017).

74. Frattin, E.; Cremonese, G.; Simioni, E.;( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen), Post-perihelion photometry of dust grains in the coma of 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.S195-S203(2017).

75. Gicquel, A.; Rose, M.; Vincent, J.-B.;( Included:Lin,Zhong-Yi, Ip, Wing-Huen), Modelling of the outburst on 2015 July 29 observed with OSIRIS cameras in the Southern hemisphere of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.S178-S185(2017).

76. Fornasier, S.; Feller, C.; Lee, J.-C.;( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen;Lin,Zhong-Yi), The highly active Anhur-Bes regions in the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet: results from OSIRIS/ROSETTA observations , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, p.S93-S107 (2017).

77. Marshall, D. W.; Hartogh, P.; Rezac, L.; ( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen), Spatially resolved evolution of the local H2O production rates of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from the MIRO instrument on Rosetta , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 603, id.A87, 11 pp.(2017).

78. Coulson, Iain M.; Cordiner, Martin A.; Kuan, Yi-Jehng; et al., ( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen;Lin,Zhong-Yi), JCMT Spectral and Continuum Imaging of Comet 252P/LINEAR , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 153, Issue 4, article id. 169, 14 pp. (2017).

79. Perna, D.; Fulchignoni, M.; Barucci, M. A.; ( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen), Multivariate statistical analysis of OSIRIS/Rosetta spectrophotometric data of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 600, id.A115, 9 pp. (2017).

80. El-Maarry, M. Ramy; Groussin, O.; Thomas, N.; ( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen), Surface changes on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko suggest a more active past , Science, Volume 355, Issue 6332, pp. 1392-1395 (2017).

81. Perna, D.; Fulchignoni, M.; Barucci, M. A.; et al.,( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen;Lin, Zhong-Yi), The pristine interior of comet 67P revealed by the combined Aswan outburst and cliff collapse , Nature Astronomy, Volume 1, id. 0092 (2017).

82. Masoumzadeh, N.; Oklay, N.; Kolokolova, L.; ( Included: Ip, Wing-Huen), Opposition effect on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko using Rosetta-OSIRIS images , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 599, id.A11, 8 pp. (2017)

83. Chernyshov, Dmitry; Cheng, Kwong-Sang; Dogiel, Vladimir;Ko, Chung-Ming, Fermi bubbles as sources of cosmic rays above 1 PeV , ISVHECRI 2016 - XIX International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (2017)

84. Chen, Ting-Wan; Schady, Patricia; Xiao, Lin; Eldridge, J. J.; Schweyer, Tassilo ; Lee, Chien-Hsiu ; Yu, Po-Chieh; Smartt, Stephen J.; Inserra, Cosimo, Spatially Resolved MaNGA Observations of the Host Galaxy of Superluminous Supernova 2017egm , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 849, Number 1, L4, (2017)

85. Kasliwal, M. M., Nakar, E., Singer, L. P., et al.; (including Yu, Po-Chieh, Ip, Wing-Huen , Ngeow, Chow-Choong), Illuminating gravitational waves: A concordant picture of photons from a neutron star merger , Science.aap9455 (2017)

86. Jian, Hung-Yu; Lin, Lihwai; Lin, Kai-Yang; (including Chen, Wen-Ping) , The Pan-STARRS1 Medium-deep Survey: Star Formation Quenching in Group and Cluster Environments, , The Astrophysical Journal 845, 74 (2017)

87. Neelam Panwar, M. R. Samal, A. K. Pandey, (including Chen, Wen-Ping) , Low-Mass Young Stellar Population and Star Formation History of the Cluster IC 1805 in the W4 H II region , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 468, 2684 (2017)

88. Neelam Panwar, M. R. Samal, A. K. Pandey, (including Chen, Wen-Ping) , Multiband variability studies and novel broadband SED modeling of Mrk 501 in 2009 , Astronomy & Astrophysics , 603, A31 (2017)

89. Derek Ward-Thompson, Kate Pattle, Pierre Bastien, (including Chen, Wen-Ping) , First results from BISTRO -- a SCUBA-2 polarimeter survey of the Gould Belt , The Astrophysical Journal, 842, 66 (2017)

90. Ji-Jia Tang, Tomotsugu Goto, Youichi Ohyama (including Chen, Wen-Ping) , A Quasar Discovered at redshift 6.6 from Pan-STARRS1 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,466, 3762 (2017)

91. Hung-Yu Jian, Lihwai Lin, Kai-Yang Lin, (including Chen, Wen-Ping) , The Pan-STARRS1 Medium-deep Survey: Star Formation Quenching in Group and Cluster Environments , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 845, 74 (2017)

92. Moreno, Fernando; Muñoz, Olga; Gutiérrez, Pedro J.;et al (including Lin,Zhong-Yi) , The dust environment of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: results from Monte Carlo dust tail modelling applied to a large ground-based observation data set , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469S, S186-S194 (2017)

93. C. Snodgrass, M. F. A'Hearn, F. Aceituno, ;et al (including Lin,Zhong-Yi) , The 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko observation campaign in support of the Rosetta mission , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 375, 2097, 20160249 (2017)

94. Lai, Ian-Lin, Ip, Wing-Huen; Cheng-Chin Su et al (including Lin,Zhong-Yi) , Gas outflow and dust transport of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462, S533-S546 (2017)

95. Chernyshov, D. O.; Cheng, K.-S.; Dogiel, V. A.;Ko, C. M., Origin of X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Emission from the Galactic Central Region , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 2, article id. 194, 11 pp. (2017).

96. Lu, Xiao-Ping;Ip, Wing-Huen; Huang, Xiang-Jie; Zhao, Hai-Bin, Analysis for Cellinoid shape model in inverse process from lightcurves , Planetary and Space Science, Volume 135, p. 74-85. (2017).

97. Chang, H.-Y.; Song, Y.-H.; Luo, A.-L.; Huang, L.-C.; et al. ( Included:Ip, Wing-Huen ), LAMOST Observations of Flaring M Dwarfs in the Kepler Field , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 834, Issue 1, article id. 92, 7 pp. (2017).

98. El-Maarry, M. R.; Thomas, N.; Gracia-Berná, A.; et al. ( Included:Ip, Wing-Huen ), Regional surface morphology of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta/OSIRIS images: The southern hemisphere (Corrigendum) , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 598, id.C2, 5 pp. (2017).