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There are 13 journal papers in 2007
1. Lin,Zhong-Yi ;M. Weiler; H. Rauer;
Ip,Wing-Huen , Photometry and imaging of comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) at Lulin and La Silla , Astronomy and Astrophysics, 469, p.771-776. (2007)
2. Chang,C.K. , Ko,C.M. , Kinoshita,D. , Status report of Virtual Observatory at the National Central University of China Taipei , Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 14 IAU XXVI General Assembly, 14-25 August 2006 Karel A. van der Huc
3. Furusho,Reiko , Ikeda,Yuji , Kinoshita,Daisuke , et al. ( Including: Ip,Wing-Huen , Lin,Zhong-Yi ) , Imaging polarimetry of Comet 9P/Tempel before and after the Deep Impact , Icarus, Volume 190, Issue 2, p. 454-458..( 2007)
4. Urata,Yuji , Huang,Kui-Yun , Kuo,Ping-Hung, et al. ( Including: Ip,Wing-Huen ) , A Multiband Study of the Optically Dark GRB 051028 , Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Vol.59, No.4, pp.L29--L33.( 2007)
5. Lin,Zhong-Yi , Chang,Chien-Pang , Ip,Wing-Huen , A Spectrophotometric Study of the Coma of Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) , The Astronomical Journal, Volume 133, Issue 5, pp. 1861-1867..( 2007)
6. Pätzold,Martin , Häusler,Bernd , Aksnes,Kaare, et al. ( Including: Ip,WingH. ) , Rosetta Radio Science Investigations (RSI) , Space Science Reviews, Volume 128, Issue 1-4, pp. 599-627.( 2007)
7. Keller,H.U. , Barbieri,C. , Lamy,P., et al. ( Including: Ip,W.-H. ) , OSIRIS The Scientific Camera System Onboard Rosetta , Space Science Reviews, Volume 128, Issue 1-4, pp. 433-506.( 2007)
8. Urata,Y. , Huang,K.Y. , Qiu,Y.L., et al. ( Including: Ip,W.H. , Kinoshita,D. ) , Very Early Multicolor Observations of the Plateau Phase of the GRB 041006 Afterglow , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 655, Issue 2, pp. L81-L84..( 2007)
9. Huang,K.Y. , Urata,Y. , Kuo,P.H., et al. ( Including: Ip,W.H. ) , Multicolor Shallow Decay and Chromatic Breaks in the GRB 050319 Optical Afterglow , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 654, Issue 1, pp. L25-L28..( 2007)
10. Nuevo,M. , Chen,Y.-J. , Yih,T.-S., et al. ( Including: Ip,W.-H. ) , Amino acids formed from the UV/EUV irradiation of inorganic ices of astrophysical interest , Advances in Space Research, Volume 40, Issue 11, p. 1628-1633..(2007)
11. Lin, H.-W. , Wu,Y.-L. , Ip,W.-H. , Observations of dwarf planet (136199) Eris and other large TNOs on Lulin Observatory , Advances in Space Research, Volume 40, Issue 2, p. 238-243..( 2007)
12. Fuse,Tetsuharu , Yamamoto,Naotaka , Kinoshita,Daisuke , et al. , Observations of Fragments Split from Nucleus B of Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 with Subaru Telescope , Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Vol.59, No.2, pp.381-386.( 2007)
13. Reed, M. D.; O'Toole, S. J.; Terndrup, D. M.; Eggen, J. R.; Zhou, A.-Y.; An, D.; Chen, C.-W. ; Chen, W. P. ; Lin, H.-C. ; Akan, C.; Cakirli, O.; Worters, H.; Kilkenny, D.; Siwak, M.; Zola, S.; Kim, Seung-Lee; Gelven, G. A.; Harms, S. L.; Wolf, G. W. , Follow-Up Observations of Pulsating Subdwarf B Stars: Multisite Campaigns on PG 1618+563B and PG 0048+091 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 664, Issue 1, pp. 518-535. (2007/07)